Maggie Beer

A Sparkling Affair

September 16 2016

My Sparkling Chardonnay, while alcohol free, can still be matched to food in the same way that wine can, because we use traditional winemaking techniques to produce it. It is simply wine with the alcohol left aside. I always tend to match wine to my cooking because it is so seasonally influenced, but my Sparkling Chardonnay is so perfectly food-friendly, I feel like I can drink it with anything -MB. Read the rest...

You Can't Beat Homegrown!

September 12 2016

If you don’t have access to a good range of homegrown potatoes, and would like to, simply search out the variety you want to grow, let them go to seed, then plant them. I arrange them in neat rows because it is only when the plant dies back that the potatoes are ready to dig up, and I need good markers so I don’t rip up my whole garden in the frenzy to find the buried treasure! - MB. Read the rest...

delicious. Produce Awards 2016

September 11 2016

Congratulations to all the finalists and winners at last night's delicious. Produce Awards - it was an exciting night celebrating producers who are doing amazing things all over Australia. It’s the 11th year of the awards and every year there is always something that absolutely astounds us. Joel Bickford, the chef at Pier One Sydney did an amazing job taking the produce of the finalists and putting it together as canapes for everyone to taste - it was a truly great night! -MB Read the rest...

New Season Asparagus

September 07 2016

While nothing quite beats freshly poached asparagus with nut-brown butter or hollandaise, especially if made with Verjuice, if you have your own patch you will need some more ideas. Head to the recipe library for inspiration! Read the rest...

A Sunday Spent With Dad

September 02 2016

Any given Sunday is worthy of sharing time at the dinner table with your Dad, but especially so on Father’s Day. In our house, Father’s Day is never a fussy affair but rather another excuse to gather the family together and share good food. We usually cook something that virtually cooks itself, a lamb roast or chook, with sides of roasted vegetables and a big salad. Everyone chips in, whether picking things from the garden, setting the table or making sure everyone has a drink in hand. In my experience having everyone involved in the cooking process for any occasion, not only eases the load, but also makes for some wonderful memories to share beyond the day -MB. Read the rest...


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